Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Better late than never edition

OK, so not only is time for "Are they gonna eat that" it's also July 4th weekend, and you know what that means. Actually you don't

Some news is credible. Our news is primarilly jokes.

We decided to see what the people were feeling when it comes to the Jazz Fest. We were surprised.

Yet another weekend winning word, but this time, we start off with a jazz version that segues awkwardly into the normal one.
Listen to "Weekend Winning Word - Jazz"

Lissa V's got the lowdown, and we like it that way.
Listen to " Lissa's Lowdown - July 5"

We love celebrity birthday's, especially the C-listers.
Listen to: "I want a New Gift - Huey Lewis' birthday"

Leo's got some black history that Patrick didn't hear about, since they took him off the list. Find out why.
Listen to"Carrifiesta and some Black History"

This guy is really getting annoying, I think he's a bit thick (do you see what I did there?)

Even more news, and this is gonna be devastating to the fat guy community.
Listen to " OMG...Pringles Are Not Chips"

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